Recently,the first foreign national with permanent residency successfullyobtained a senior citizen free travel card in Ningbo.
"Iam so happy to receive the senior citizen free travel card. This notonly helps foreign nationals meet their travel needs but alsoenhances Ningbo's status as an international and civilized city. I’mreally grateful!" said Mr. Feng, a foreign national, afterreceiving his senior citizen free travel card in Ningbo.
Recently,Mr. Feng, who holds permanent residency, successfully obtained asenior citizen free travel card at the Ningbo Citizen Card Center.The moment he received the card, his joy was palpable, and heexpressed his gratitude openly.
Mr.Feng is the first foreign national with permanent residency in Ningboto benefit from the city's senior citizen public transportationwelfare. Previously, the free travel card was only available toChinese nationals aged 70 and above. There had been no clearprovisions for foreign nationals with permanent residency. As someonewho frequently relies on public transportation, Mr. Feng was eager toenjoy the same free travel benefits as his elderly Chinese peers andraised this issue with the Ningbo Citizen Card Company.
Afterreceiving the report from the Citizen Card Company, the Ningbo Roadand Transport Management Center took immediate action. Throughmultiple discussions, it was confirmed that foreign nationals withpermanent residency in China should legally enjoy the sametransportation benefits as Chinese citizens. As a result, the policyfor applying for the senior citizen free travel card was revised toinclude foreign nationals with permanent residency in the eligiblegroup for Ningbo’s senior citizenfree travel program.